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Kang Yanan
Kang Yanan
Basic Information Basic Information
Kang Yanan was called to the Hong Kong Bar in 2012, and passed the first GBA exam in 2021. Her practice areas include commercial disputes, employment disputes, cross-border litigation, international arbitration. She has constantly provided legal advice to mainland companies and individuals. She was a visiting lecturer of Peking University and City University of Hong Kong, teaching international arbitration and Hong Kong company law. Currently, she is the vice president of Legal Professional Advancement Association, and a member of the Mainland Affairs Committee of the Hong Kong Bar Association.
Educational background Educational background
Oxford University (BCL); City University of Hong Kong (LLB)
Representative performance Representative performance

1. Handling a few HKIAC arbitrations involving, inter alia, contract, commercial disputes, investment disputes, etc, including both Chinese and English arbitrations.

2. Provided advice at all stages of international arbitration from the commencement of arbitration to enforcement of arbitral awards, or setting aside arbitral awards.

3. Acted as Hong Kong law expert in arbitrations or court proceedings conducted in PRC.

4. Constantly provide advice regarding employment related issues and cross-border transactions.

5. Provided advice to mainland companies or individuals regarding enforcing mainland judgments or arbitral awards in Hong Kong.

Contact Us Contact Us
(852) 25261732 ;kinsey.kang@gmail.com